Camp California
Company C, Regiment 81

February 12th, 1862

I now take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well, hoping these few lines may find you and the family enjoying the same.  I received yours of the 6th on Friday but did not answer it till I got the box yesterday.  And I am much pleased with mwhat was in it.  Everything came right.  Ask Emma if she sent him any paper and how much she sent him.  Let me know if them girls ain't been eating much, for I think they are getting mighty fat since I left home.  There is a great excitement in camp tonight.  All the bands around is beating and the men cheering on account of victory of our forces.  Our Col. was presented with a fine sword tonight, which the officers and men bought for him.  The Col. still calls us the dirty ass grays.  There is a young man died in our Co. today by the typhoid fever.  He was out drilling on Monday week and he went to the hospital on Tuesday and at 12 o'clock today he died.  They telegraphed for his Father and the Co. is going to pay to bury him.  George De Haven is able to be about now.  If you see his sister, tell her he is getting better and he is out of all danger.  I sent a letter to Grand Mother Slyoff I sent my likeness on and let me know in your next if you got it.  I have got enough clothes now to do me the three years.  The boots fit me first rate.  Tell Gib I will send my likeness to her next payday for I have run short of money.  I send my love to you Mother and all the family and inquiring friends.  So no more at present but remain your affectionate Son.

Henry C. Slyoff

July 7th 1863

Dear Mother,

I received your kind and welcome letter and was glad to hear that you were all well.  I am well at present.  I seen Father on the 5th of this month and he is well and he sends his love to you all and so do I.

Mother, we have had a big battle in Pennsylvania and we whipped the rebels very bad.  They lost a good many men and so did we.  The rebels lost a good many generals.  We are on the march to catch them again.  They are at the old battle field of Antietam again and I suppose they will give us another fight there.

Mother, the Pennsylvania farmers used the soldiers very mean after we got the rebels out of the state.  The Maryland people are very kind to us.  They can’t give us enough thanks for what we have done.  They put the soldiers in good heart.

Mother, I received your two letters today—one dated June 16th and the other 22nd.  They told us that the mail was captured.  Tell Jacob I am sorry to see him [en]listed.  He ought to have stayed home for there is enough out of the family.  Mother, I send my love to you and all the rest of the family.  I send my love to grand mother and all of her folks.  So no more at present but still remain your affectionate son, — H. C. Slyoff

Mother, tell George Roney I will answer his letter as soon as I get time.  I am pretty tired.  We have been on the march 1 month.  No more, so goodbye.